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Monday, December 6, 2010

Carrot Juice With Raspberries

I drink carrot juice with raspberries almost everyday.  I usually buy organic juicing carrots.  I buy organic raspberries when they are in season and freeze them.  Although, frozen raspberries lose half of its vitamin C; however, it still provides antioxidant, "ellagitannins, a family of compounds almost exclusive to the raspberry, which are reported to have anti-cancer activity. Vitamin C contributes about 20% of the total antioxidant capacity, accounting for up to 30 milligrams in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of fruit. Raspberries anthocyanins, especially cyanidin and pelagonidin glycosides, make up another 25%. And more good news: freezing and storing raspberries does not significantly affect their antioxidant activity, although in this study, their concentration of vitamin C was halved by the freezing process". Not only that, rapsberries are rich in water-soluble fiber called, pectin, which lowers cholesterol.

My skin has orange color to it because of everyday intake of carrot juice.  That's fine by me because "Carrots are by far one of the richest source of carotenoids-just one cup provides 16,679 IUs of beta-carotene and 3,432 REs (retinol equivalents), or roughly 686.3% the RDA for vitamin A. High carotenoid intake has been linked with a 20% decrease in postmenopausal breast cancer and an up to 50% decrease in the incidence of cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx, and esophagus. Extensive human studies suggest that a diet including as little as one carrot per day could conceivably cut the rate of lung cancer in half."

*Carrot-Rapsberry Slush*  
Equipment needed:blender
1 cup fresh carrot juice
1 cup frozen rapsberries (If you are using fresh raspberries, add 1/2 cup ice)

Combine the ingredients and blend until smooth. Great way to eat it.

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